Charge Voucher
It charges a voucher with a specified amount. If free credit is set for a particular voucher, the free credit amount is automatically applied.
Attribute | Description |
code required | The alphanumeric code of the voucher. The code has 12 characters. You can pass the code with (e.g. ABCD-ABCD-ABCD) or without (e.g. ABCDABCDABCD) dashes. Please use url_encode for the code as it might contain special characters. |
api-key required |
Attribute | Description |
amount_in_cents required | The amount to recharge the voucher. |
payment_id optional | If no payment_id is provided, the default payment will be used. |
free_credit_in_percentage optional | This percentage of the amount_in_cents is credited as free credit. General settings for free credit are overruled with this value. This value cannot be used if the client is using the legacy recharging procedure. |
reference optional | An optional alphanumeric reference can be transmitted. 256 characters max. |
charge_token | Use this token to cancel a recharge. This token will only be returned if the client is using the new charging procedure. |
code | The same voucher code as you provided as parameter |
balance_in_cents | The new balance |
free_credit_amount_in_cents | The credited amount of free credit. Will only be returned if the new charging procedure is in use. |
"charge_token": "671a6539e3365417cc2ffbe6",
"free_credit_amount_in_cents": 0
Updated 9 days ago