Use Cases

For online Stores

Use Case

Expected Result

Redeem a voucher

  • The voucher is redeemed in e-guma

  • In your system: The VAT is based on the total amount of the order

Redeem a voucher when the order total is higher that the voucher amount

The voucher is fully redeemed in e-guma

Redeem a voucher when the order total is smaller than the voucher amount

A part of the voucher is redeemed

Redeem 2 different vouchers in one order

Both vouchers are redeemed

Enter an empty voucher code an try to redeem it

A proper message is shown

Try to redeem twice the same voucher

A message is shown that the second voucher is not valid

Try to redeem a fully redeemed voucher

A message is shown that the voucher is not valid

Try to redeem a voucher with a wrong code

A message is shown that the voucher is not valid

Cancel an order payed by voucher

The amount of the voucher is the same as before the redemption

  • Install the voucher2mobile app

  • Add a voucher to your voucher2mobile account

  • Redeem the voucher with the ShortCode

  • The voucher is redeemed in e-guma

  • The 12 digit voucher code is saved in your database