Voucher Information

Use this endpoint only to display the information of a voucher in your app.

GET https://api.e-guma.ch/v1/vouchers/{code}/info.json?apikey=`{api-key}`


coderequired - The alphanumeric code of the voucher. The code has 12 characters. You can pass the code with (e.g. ABCD-ABCD-ABCD) or without (e.g. ABCDABCDABCD) dashes. Please use url_encode for the code as it might contain special characters.
api-keyrequired - The API key required to authenticate the request.


codeThe same voucher code as you provided as parameter
nameThe name of the voucher
descriptionThe description of the voucher
is_redeemedIndicates if the voucher is already redeemed
balance_in_centsAmount in cents. Maison (PR) vouchers can have 0 as value.
valid_untilThe date the voucher expires (ISO 8601 format)


GET https://api.e-guma.ch/v1/vouchers/QH5MR5565577/info.json?apikey=510e32c594d84816a4af9df1
    "code": "QH5MR5565577",
    "name": "Value voucher CHF 12.–",
    "description": "Feel free to redeem this voucher all according to your preferences.",
    "balance_in_cents": 1200,
    "is_redeemed": false,
    "valid_until": "2022-12-31T00:00:00"