Published Events
| |
category_id | To filter the events of a certain category |
id | ID of the event |
name | Name of the event in all available languages |
description_html | Description HTML in all available languages |
bookable | If the online sales are not closed and the event is not sold out this value is true |
count_available_tickets | Number of available tickets |
start | Start date of the event (ISO 8601 format) |
image_url | Image URL of the event. Here is how to display this image correctly on a web page. The image is optimized for a 6:5 ratio and has a resolution of at least 600 x 500px. |
url | URL of the event in all available languages |
organizer |
venue |
ticket_types | A list of the published ticket types with the following fields:
ticket_type_groups | Ticket types can optionally be divided into groups. If this is set, an item with the name of the group and IDs of the ticket types is returned for each group.
category_id | If an event is assigned to a category, the ID of the category is returned, otherwise this value is empty (""). If the event is not assigned to a category, it will appear on the shop's landing page. |
tags | List of tags assigned to the event. If there are no tags, an empty array is returned. |
updated_at | - Date the event was last updated (ISO 8601 format). |
"id": "5c5c0aa7bfede1072441d4cd",
"name": {
"de": "Magischer Brunch",
"en": "Magical Brunch",
"fr": "Brunch magique"
"description_html": {
"de": "<strong>Magischer Brunch im Beethoven Palace</strong><br><strong><br></strong>Erleben Sie einen Brunch der Extraklasse! Zu unseren Spezialitäten aus dem Züribiet und den umliegenden Kantonen verzaubern wir Sie mit einer magischen Show der Extraklasse. Der Schweizer Meister in Magie, Christian Bischof, wird Sie mit seiner Kunst faszinieren und Ihnen einen unvergesslichen Sonntag voller Köstlichkeiten und Staunen bereiten!<br><br><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Brunch als Gutschein schenken</a><br>",
"en": "Magical Brunch at Beethoven Palace<br><br>Enjoy a brunch of the extra class! To our specialties from the Züribiet and the surrounding cantons we enchant you with a magical show of the extra class. The Swiss master in magic, Christian Bischof, will fascinate you with his art and prepare you an unforgettable Sunday full of delicacies and wonder!<br>",
"fr": "Brunch magique au Beethoven Palace<br><br>Une expérience brunch de niveau et classe ! Nos spécialités de la région de Zurich et les cantons environnants vous enchantent avec un spectacle de magie extraordinaire. Le maître suisse dans la magie, Christian Bischof vous enchantera par son art et préparera un dimanche inoubliable plein de délices et admiration !<br>"
"bookable": true,
"count_available_tickets": 11,
"start": "2019-03-14T10:00:00",
"image_url": "",
"url": {
"de": "",
"en": "",
"fr": ""
"organizer": {
"name": "Beethoven Palace",
"url": ""
"venue": {
"name": "Zürich",
"street": "Walchestrasse 15",
"zip": "8006",
"city": "Zürich",
"country_code": "CH"
"ticket_types": [{
"id": "2de3a079-3d2b-4de2-90bb-10e4e1f985d6",
"name": {
"de": "Normalpreis",
"en": "Regular price",
"fr": "Prix normal"
"description": {
"de": "Für Erwachsene",
"en": "For Adults",
"fr": "Pour les adultes"
"price_in_cents": 5000
"ticket_type_groups": [],
"category_id": "60be23b594f2814b288193f4",
"tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2"],
"updated_at": "2023-01-27T13:37:14"
Updated about 2 months ago